The Kickstart Scheme - helping 16-24 year olds...
On 8th July 2020, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak announced a new £2 billion Kickstart scheme to create job placements for 16-24-year...
The benefits of onshore development
Businesses want products that are profitable and can benefit their users. The development of these products is being offshored to other countries b...
Hybrid working is the future
Much has been spoken and written about with regards to the huge working from home switch which took place when the pandemic hit most of the world f...
What effect will the increase of large-scale da...
Think of all the career decisions we make throughout our lives. Will you remain in one industry throughout your career, which offer will you accept...
Mental Health – it’s time to look after yourself…
Looking after your mind and body is really important, especially if you are staying at home because of Coronavirus. There are so many things you ca...
The contingent workforce
If you’re a large organisation, it’s extremely likely that you are already making use of the ever-growing contingent workforce in the UK, but if yo...
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